Sunday, March 29, 2009

awob Project

i believe that birth should be based on the women her body & how she is re-acting to the Process at the time, i think doctors intrude in the birth too much & often do to much that is not needed & effects the mother more. a womens body is ment to give birth & has been doing so since the begging of man kind. birth & having a child has been on a girls mind since they were young & it is this sPecial moment for them & i dont think its fair that one other Person that is more "qualified" should be able to take away this rare sPecial moment.

c- section rates are higher @ hosPitals
argument # 2 :
is a qoute from my mother how c-section take away the exPerience
argument #3:
the oPinion of a womens birth at home & one that had a hosPital birth

over all i feel that its more natural & more of a exPeriecnce & sPecial moment for a women to do a comPlete natural birth then at a hosPital because the women is more self connected & does not have another Person around taking control of there birth.

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