Sunday, March 29, 2009

break hw

i think all of the videos were gross & in no way was the birthing Process cute or "beautiful."

what was the worst video to me was the c- section because you really seen a Person getting cut UP & that made my stomach twist a little bit & i thought it was even worse is because that is what actually haPPens & i feel like it changes birth so much & makes go from something nice & life changing to Panic & horrible. aslo the thought of a women being cut oPen just to give birth seems almost unnecessary & horrible. if this medicine is so modern & safe why does it cause so much Pain & kill so many women? that is the thought i am left with. i just worry if hosPital births keeP on this trend will the birthing Process soon have no real connection to the women giving birth.

danish resPonse

i was not able to be there for the danish teenagers when they sPoke to our class

awob Project

i believe that birth should be based on the women her body & how she is re-acting to the Process at the time, i think doctors intrude in the birth too much & often do to much that is not needed & effects the mother more. a womens body is ment to give birth & has been doing so since the begging of man kind. birth & having a child has been on a girls mind since they were young & it is this sPecial moment for them & i dont think its fair that one other Person that is more "qualified" should be able to take away this rare sPecial moment.

c- section rates are higher @ hosPitals
argument # 2 :
is a qoute from my mother how c-section take away the exPerience
argument #3:
the oPinion of a womens birth at home & one that had a hosPital birth

over all i feel that its more natural & more of a exPeriecnce & sPecial moment for a women to do a comPlete natural birth then at a hosPital because the women is more self connected & does not have another Person around taking control of there birth.

buisness of birth resPonse

This movie really gave me a whole new view of birth, & this helPed me formed my own thoughts. it made me see the flaws of a hosPital birth, & how PeoPle who have more knowledge do try & take over & miniPulate you into things that are not always "the best for you."

one main thought i had is why home births are not covered by insurance if hosPitals have a higher c-section & emergency births.

i feel as americans no one really likes to go against the norm & if you are not being treated or helPed by a "Professional " then we wont trust anything else & thats why PeoPle are so scared to try & do a real natural birth, because she are convinced that modern medicine is the only & right way to go.

i think this movie was good for us to watch because it made us more aware then most other PeoPle & gave us a chance to form our own oPinion even though it was in a way bias, but it was our first time seeing the diffrence & everything else we learned & heard before was more bias for the hosPital.

even with out seeing this movie i do disagree with many of the ways a hosPital lets a women have birth, it doesnt make sense how they give women medicine to slow down & sPeed uP the birthing Process & have them laying down the entire time & not letting them move around & get the sPace the women needs.
overall i feel everyone should be more educated about birth so they could make their own choices and not just go by the norms.

birth storys

my mother went into the hosPital at 4 a.m. & did not give birth till 6 o'clock in the evening. she was in "active labor" for thirty fourty minutes. the hosPital kePt on telling her to go home but my grandmother kePt telling them no. she took no Pain killers & she had to walk all around the hosPital till she was about to give birth because they did not have sPace for her. there was also a female Prisoner giving birth next room. my mom also used my grandmother as her mid-wife. my mother & father couldnt decide on my name, & they reasoned that i would be brandon & take my fathers last name, & my dad did not get to the hosPital until the end of the birth right when she started active labor, & I was two weeks Past my due date.

my sister was a c-section, she was in active labor for two days & she started to have heart faliure, she had her two months early. she feels c-section is stealing the exPerience, & her labor was enduced early by all of the medication the doctors gave her.

initial feelings about birth

i think birth is just something thats to humans & is natural i never thought deePer than that. the thoughts of hosPital births or a home birth never came to my mind. i always figured there was one way because no matter what you have to get it out the same way everytime, & many of the diffrent tyPes of births was never told to me & everyone in my family had a hosPital birth.